New Comment System - Giscus

Short post. Just wanted to announce that the blog now has comments thanks to Giscus. I was inspired by Alex/IronicBadger talking about it in his blog and also on the Self Hosted podcast. I always wanted a comment system but did not want to use Disqus for a variety of reasons. Alex’s lastest discovery was just icing on the cake.

Anyway, Giscus uses Github Discussions to create comment threads on posts. Since I already used Github for this blog, it was relatively easy to get set up. So now there’s comments! Yay!

Also, looking at how few articles I wrote this year I feel kinda sad. But I was waiting to write a lot of things because I moved this year. I wasn’t really do anything new for the past few months as I was in a holding pattern until I got into the new place. Now that I’m here and getting settled, I’ll make some time to document the new toys and things I’ve got set up. Expect more soon!

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